Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Moment Distribution Method - Theory (Part -2)

Second principle we need to know is
  • Carry over factor
Let us see the ideolized free body diagram of single beam.

Moment required to give rotation q is MA . we can write this


From these two equations we know that  MB = 1/2 MA.
And we can say that 1/2 of the moment from pinned end is carried over to the fixed end. Note that this is positive here because of same directional rotation.

  • Fixed End Moments 
Fixed end moments of the elements will be needed to proceed the moment distribution method. The formulae are presented in the appendix part of structural analysis books.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Moment Distribution Method - Theory (Part 1)

Dear Friends...

We know the moment distribution method in analysis of structures. How it works, the theoretical explanation given below.
We need to know some basic principles to understand the moment distribution.
  • Distribution Factor
Consider the following structure with an externally applied moment M at the joint.

Due to applied moment M the joint undergoes rotation q. And the rotation of the each beam is equivalent to q because of compatibility. That means q1= q2= q3= q . Lets see the free body diagram of the beams to resist the applied moment M.

We know from moment equilibrium that M1 = M2 = M3 = M. Now consider the free bending moment diagram of beam 1 shown below. We can notice that at the right end it can rotate but not translate, ie it can’t move along X or Y direction (neglecting axial deformation).

Since the beam acting as a spring resisting rotation we can say that M1 = k1 q1. Similarly for beam 2 and beam 3 M2 = k2 q2 and M3 = k3 q3. For the whole structure M = k q. Where k is the total rotational spring stiffness of the joint of three intersecting  beams.

We know that
q1= q2= q3= q

We can rewrite them  

Considering the moment equilibrium
k1 q1 + k2 q2 + k3 q3 = k q

Since  q1= q2= q3= q
(k1 + k2 + k3)q = k q

Or      k= k1 + k2 + k3 = ki                                i=1,2,3

The term
is called as distribution factors. And it is the distribution of the rotation to each beam in that joint due to applied moment. The sum of all distribution factors in a joint is always unity. And individual moment resisting of each beam is proportional to their stiffness.