Thursday, December 9, 2010


Dear Friends....

On the second day of SEC-2010, the first session was the keynote session.

Entrance view
Father of geopolymer Dr.Joseph Davidovits chaired this session. Dr.B.Vijayarangan delivered his keynote speech on "Shear design of reinforced beams, slabs and walls to Australian standard 3600:2009". Dr.Paramasivam offered his speech on "Innovative structural Applications in ferro cement". Prof.N.Ganesan delivered his keynote address on " Steel fibre reinforced high performance concrete- an innovative cementitious composite". And the subsequent sessions were arranged in Aumtec 71 hall as well as GJR hall simultaneously. Most of the papers presented today are by the researchers from SERC, Chennai.
Dr.Paramasivam delivering his speech
At 6PM a special public lecture was given by the father of geopolymer Dr.Joseph Davidovits on "Why the Pharaohs built the Pyramids with fake stones". And Dr.Davidovits presented a gift from France to Dr.C.Antony Jeyasehar. Dr.B.Vijayarangan gave introduction about Dr.Davidovits to the audience.
Prof.B.Vijayarangan introducing Dr.Davidovits to the audience.
Dr.Davidovits presenting his lecture.
Dr.Davidovits talked about the origin of the stones which had been used to built the Pyramids. In his context he told that the stones were manufactures by the Egyptians. He also showed the proof for his argument. And it was continued upto 7.30PM. It was quite interesting.

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